Sad Day at Grandpacharlie’s Workshop   14 comments

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to discontinue my John Deere rocking tractors. In the past year and a half, I’ve made 15 of them for various customers, but they have become a real weight around my neck, which I don’t need. Finding materials for them is getting harder and harder — I was making them from pine but can no longer find a local source of rough sawn 8/4 pine. The nuts and bolts of the wheels are also becoming very difficult. I can no longer find a source for the threaded dowels in them. Finally, trying to ship them anywhere is nearly impossible and the cost is prohibitive. FedEx and UPS have both damaged almost every one I’ve tried to ship. Some friendly folks have driven to my place in Iowa from great distances to pick one up — as far away as West Virginia. I am very thankful and appreciative to all the customers who have purchased one in the past.

So, to those of you who did purchase one, you now have a “limited edition.” I hope you will enjoy them for a long time to come.

Chuck Harpham

Pam's grandson

Posted June 23, 2013 by grandpacharliesworkshop in Uncategorized

14 responses to “Sad Day at Grandpacharlie’s Workshop

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  1. sorry to hear about your no longer making the rocking tractors I guess I’m going to try to make one myself for me grandson I seen your and trying to track it down to buy one I found the junk and they will not due is I’m going to give it a try and I have a mill just 1/2 mile down the road to look for wood I just hope I can do as good of a job as you did thanks for the inspiration

  2. Would you consider selling me the plans, or instruction, I would love to build my Grandson one. I will gladly pay a reasonable price…thank you

    Pastor Don Johnston
  3. I have seen this tractor a few times throughtout the Internet. I was wondering if you could explain how you made the lugs on the rear tires


    • First find threaded dowels for the lug pins. Not easy to find. Then drill holes in pine a couple inches apart. I made a hex pattern and drew around the holes. Then cut and sand. Tedious and one reason I don’t make them any more. Good luck.

  4. Is it possible to pay for the pattern? My grandson is now 16months.and I would love to make this for his birthday. He loves wheels and trucks

    Richard Stephenson
  5. Is there any way to get the plans for this project? I just had the first boy in our family and would LOVE to make it for him since his daddy is a farmer!

  6. This makes me so sad we too live in Iowa and my husband’s family farms and we would have loved to buy one of these. If you decide to sell the plans please contact me my step father does wood working and would love to add to my sons Deer collection

    Thank you
    Megan Campbell

  7. Would you be willing to send plans?
    I’m wanting to make one for my daughter’s first birthday in august…
    Thank you.

  8. You should sell the blue prints.

    Elizabeth McGinn
  9. Are you still doing the rocking motorcycles????

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